What I do when I get in...

I’ve recently become really interested as to what super successful people do at the end of their day to set themselves up for success for the next day. 

This is what I’ve found and this is what I’m doing…

  1. Review my to do / task / action list for that day and schedule my ‘frog’ for first thing tomorrow plus a couple of key tasks to get through - I’ll explain the frog below

  2. Close down every single tab on my computer, only leaving up the one (if needed) to tackle my ‘frog’ for tomorrow - this has made a HUGE difference to my productivity as I sit down in the morning because it’s so clear what I’m meant to be doing and I don’t get mindlessly distracted by emails or other such things

  3. Tidy my desk - this never takes that long, the thinking about it always takes longer!

  4. Change into my slippers - I instantly feel more chilled and cosy when wearing my slippers! Something I forced myself to do through lockdown and working from home was to always wear shoes for work - psychologically it made such a difference to how I showed up.

  5. Wash my hands - literally washing away the days dirt (not that my hands are actually that dirty!)

  6. Kiss Dodo hello (even though she’s been with me pretty much all day 🤣)

  7. Wash my face and remove my makeup (unless I’m going out, although sometimes I still take it off and reapply if it feels fresher!) - seriously washing your face is underrated, it’s a total game changer to how you feel and for me it helps me to ‘wash away the stress of the day!’ Okay maybe not entirely but it really helps - and it’s good for your skin!!

  8. Pour myself a glass of water (it reminds me to keep drinking it) - which I then endeavour to drink. Obviously.

  9. Before I go to bed, I lay out my clothes for the next day. For both my walk / workout and for the day - it helps reduce decision fatigue the next morning. And makes me feel really smug when I wake up and it’s all ready 🤣

If a stage isn’t relevant then ditch or bring something else in instead. 

I’d love to know what you do!

Oh and before I forget, the ‘frog’. Your frog is basically that thing that you have to do that you’ve been putting off. Maybe you’ve been putting it off today, or for a week or for months. The idea is that when you start your day by eating your frog (which is often a much smaller task than we think, it’s just taken up a HELL of a lot of our brain space), you start with a win. It sets you up for success and helps you keep going on that path. If you want to read about then the book ‘Eat That Frog!’ by Brian Tracy is brilliant!