9 more things I didn’t realise about being pregnant

A few more things I’ve learnt about being pregnant…

  1. You can still be sick 10 times a day at 28 weeks. (This actually totalled at 13 times yesterday. It was horrendous. So far today I’m on 2…. fingers crossed 🤞)

  2. When people say it’s amazing feeling your baby move. They’re right. It’s the coolest, weirdest, most happy inducing feeling (and helps make you think it’s all worth it!) 🥰

  3. The fat tree stage does pass! Thank the lord 😂 You do suddenly pop. I genuinely thought this was a load of rubbish. Until it happened to me. Got up. Had a normal day. Looked in the mirror at the end of the day and was like ‘where on earth did that come from?’ Mind blown 🤯

  4. Eating ice is a thing. Couldn’t do it before and yet will happily crunch an ice cube now.

  5. Asking for help is still hard. It doesn’t get any easier but it’s really important. Ask for help. Say when it’s hard. I asked Ryan to come home today (he couldn’t) but I still asked and it still felt hard.

  6. Everyone’s journey is different so don’t bother with comparison. Accept where you’re at and where the other person is at. That’s their journey and this is yours. It’s impossible to compare because everyone’s pain thresholds, everyone’s nausea, everyone’s sickness, everyone’s worries, they’re all different.

  7. Pregnancy is the ultimate group project. Where you do 99.9% of the work and you both get an A… 🤣 (I was sent this right at the beginning and it could not be more true. Lol)

  8. Is knowledge power? TBH I’m not sure. I’m not sure how much I really want to know. What I want to know is that I’m strong and capable and that my baby is doing great. I don’t want to know about all the things that could go wrong. How hard labour is. How at points people say I can’t do this. About the long list of possible complications and decisions to make. I’m not sure if I want to know that - striking the balance between need to know, being informed and being totally ignorant is something I’m trying to figure out! You don’t need to know everything, but equally if knowledge feels good to you then go for it.

  9. You’re growing a human 👶 I mean I know that’s the whole thing behind pregnancy 😂 but it still blows my mind on a daily basis.

Being pregnant is not what I expected. It’s more incredible than I thought and it’s so much harder (at times and in weird ways) than I ever imagined BUT I know that I’ve got this and that my body is doing the best for my baby, because why would it do any different?