New Year Resolutions?! NO THANKS

What is it about the first of January that makes a large quantity of people set resolutions that they don't set at any other time of year? 

Is it the whole ‘New Year, New Me?’ or the ‘blank slate, fresh vibe chat’? 

I don’t get it. Well I do get it but I don’t like it. 

Growing up New Years resolutions were a big deal. Every year my Mum would love finding out what we’re giving up or taking up, what challenges we’re setting for ourselves and who’s got a New Years resolution worth remembering for the next year. The reality is she still does and yet I don’t do them. It’s a big NO THANKS and see you later from me for New Year resolutions. 

The idea that you can (and should) set yourself multiple ‘resolutions’ for the coming year to make you better than before, and begin them all on the 1st of January really riles me up somewhat…

With New Year resolutions, we attempt to change everything ‘flawed’ with ourselves in one single moment and in one single decision.

  • Give up booze

  • Run every day 

  • Donate 10% of everything to charity 

  • Read a book every month 

  • Don’t eat takeaway food 

  • Etc. etc. etc. 

But unfortunately this is only possible if you’re an absolute ninja at building and creating new habits for yourself. And I hate to break it to you, but most of us aren’t…

If you really want to change, improve, be better than yesterday then start today with one thing. You don’t need to wait for the 1st of January, the beginning of the next quarter, month or week. You can start exactly where you are and that is the key to succeeding. 

The key is starting. Not waiting for some hyped up day of the year. Start now. 

If your ‘flaws’ matter to you so much then commit to one of them today. Battle through the jungle to build your habit, write yourself reminders and incentives. Get up when you fall down. Celebrate the days you win and be gracious on the days you don’t.

Don’t wait for New Year. Without wanting to be all doom and gloom or cliche or whatever you might think when you read this… you really only do get one life. Nothing is given or guaranteed so stop waiting. Take one step towards being the person you are created to be today. Don’t wait for tomorrow and definitely don’t wait for New Years Day.