7 Ways to Spring Clean Your Body and Mind

Spring always feels like a time for new life and awakening. People often use it as a reason to “spring clean” their homes, to tidy up and make things feel fresh and new. While sorting your drawers and cupboards can help you feel re-energised, having a cleanup of your body and mind can really help you feel like you are starting the season with a clean slate.

Here are the top 7 ways I will be Spring cleaning my body and mind….

1. Get sun savvy

Remember even in Spring we need to use suncream. Reach for a factor 30 or more and apply 15 - 30mins before you head outside

2. Top up your vitamin D

Our vitamin D levels can drop over the winter so try to get outside more

3. Focus on fitness

As the weather starts to warm we feel more energised - go for a walk, even if its just half an hour

4. Free your mind

Note down any cluttered thoughts onto some paper and then forget about them, throw them away or organise them so that they are less cluttered in your mind Or if you are anything like Jo, Burn it!

5. Ease Hayfever

Grab some local honey, some carrots, garlic, onions and blueberries - they are all great at supporting your immunity

6. Eat with the season

Look out for fresh rhubarb, asparagus, radishes and spinach - try out some new recipes too… this is one of my favourites Rhubarb & Gingernut Cheesecake

7. Get fired up!

Whatever your goal this spring, having a visual reminder of your aim is key to success. Whether its a mood board or a simple post it note, have your motivational reminder in a prominent place so that you’re regularly inspired! I have my motivational reminder as my phone screensaver - I see it SO many times a day