Dumped. By Motivation. 

You might have thought that with Becca leaving on Friday I’d be super motivated to smash this week and really make the most of her being here. The reality is that I’m seriously struggling. My motivation is rock bottom and I’m like ‘I can’t be bothered’. 

The thing is I know that being dumped by motivation is going to happen. I know my relationship (like yours and everyone else's) with motivation is fickle, wobbly and quite frankly unpredictable.

Motivation is your flaky mate. That friend you have that bails on drinks with you at the last minute. That friend who never quite makes it to things. That friend you love but is flaky. That’s motivation. And mine has dumped me in favour of someone else. Nightmare. 

Don’t worry it’s not all doom and gloom. (Literally telling myself this)

You can get around being dumped by motivation by having kickass habits. My habits are generally good but even they’ve taken a knock lately - but that’s okay. I know that if I focus on them it will get me back on track.

[As in don’t chase the thing that’s dumped you, work on yourself instead]

In the words of Ed Mylett “it’s your habits and rituals that will carry you through on the days when you don’t feel motivated” habits like:

  • planning your day out

  • getting clear on 2 or 3 things to achieve

  • drinking 5 pints of water

  • eating well

  • moving your body

  • getting 8 hours of decent sleep

  • practicing gratitude and so on…

I hope reading this gives you permission to know that you are not the only person (occasionally) being dumped by motivation and that it doesn’t have to totally derail you (like it has done to me). Focus on your habits. Focus on the little things and tiny steps. The things that build you up and make you better than you were before. Doing this will keep you (and get you back) on track. 

And if you don’t have any / many positive habits then pick one from the list and start building. You won’t build it (the habit) immediately. You will fall off the bandwagon and motivation will dump you (again) but the more you practice the stronger your habit gets and the easier you find the dumping. Thank goodness. There is hope!!